Why We Use Stainless Steel Crowns on Your Child’s Back Teeth

Your child can lose baby teeth too soon from having cavities, often because of a poor diet or lax oral hygiene care. But their baby teeth are important as they maintain a space for the permanent tooth to come in behind it. That's why we offer stainless steel crowns to hold that space for those milk teeth in the back... read more »

Interceptive Ortho or Phase I Orthodontic Treatment Can Help Your Child’s Developing Teeth Turn out Straight, Aligned and Beautiful

Did you know that your child may need early orthodontic treatment even though they still have some baby teeth? Known as “interceptive” treatment, the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) says that a child's first orthodontic check-up should be done when a problem is initially discovered and definitely no later than age 7. At that age, they will have enough of... read more »